Friday, February 12, 2010

There is still no success in the government’s attempt at fighting obesity

Obesity has been a big issue among children in the U.S. “with 17 percent of children considered obese and about one in three of them overweight.” Mrs. Obama announces her “Let’s Move” campaign on Feb. 9 to upgrade The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and sports that was established by President Eisenhower in 1956. The President’s Council with its $1.2 million budgets has barely affected childhood obesity due to its insufficient funding. In the 1960s, President Kennedy sponsored the program by setting up a nonprofit charitable foundation to support the fight against childhood obesity, but it didn’t last very long. The council was also led by Arnold Schwarzenegger under President George H.W. Bush in hopes of gaining more support for the program but issue became worse with the rise in video games, smart phones, and iPods.

This article is worth reading because it reveals the government’s previous attempts at fighting obesity. If the government had already attempted and failed, what makes Mrs. Obama’s program seem like it will be successful? Also, with the increase in convenient technology; it seems that this program will fall just like its predecessors did.

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