Friday, March 26, 2010

Editorial comment

In this blog by Ann Coulter, she blames “the Supreme Court for the attempted car bombing at Times Square” that just happened recently. She states that “Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, five Supreme Court justices have repeatedly voted to treat jihadists like turnstile jumpers.” They are trying to convince President Obama to treat them like American citizens and so give them those rights such as Miranda rights.

She believes that because of this, simple “amateurish” terrorist attacks are still continuing to occur. She refers to how FDR ordered to have 6 German and 2 American to immediately arrested and tried when they were suspected of plotting an attack on an U.S. munitions plant during World War II. Some of the suspects were either executed or placed in prison for at least 30 years. She implies that if we take a more aggressive approach towards suspected terrorists then it will limit how often terrorist attacks will occur. The author also said that we are at war and that the Supreme Court has no right to intervene with the commanders in chief’s constitutional war powers.

The author is making an appeal towards political leaders and to some extent, the public. She wants them to realize how ignorant the Supreme Courts actions are. She tries to make herself credible by referring to FDR during WWII and to use basic common sense to make her ideas clearer. My only criticism in her blog was that her evidence was not clear. The only clear evidence was her reference to FDR but that was it. Her argument was how the Supreme Court’s decision to intervene in the president’s job was causing the problem, and she does not believe that they have the right to do so. If she included more constitutional reason as to what the Supreme Court can and cannot do in relation to the president, then it would make her argument more compelling.

Based on what I’ve read, I believe that the author’s argument is clear, but I think that the only thing that is lacking heavily is her evidence which will therefore hurt her credibility.

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