Friday, April 23, 2010

Classmate critique

This is from my classmate's article on why the U.S. should use solar energy. I believe that solar energy is one of the most effective ways to support “going green.” I’m also convinced that we should go green because of the statistics that said “the energy that strikes the surface of the earth in 8 minutes is more than the world uses in a year.” Your article is convincing in terms of explaining how effective solar energy actually is, but your reasoning about the cost of solar panels is still unclear. You said that the cost for solar panels can be paid off in a short amount of time, but how short is it? Although solar energy is ideal, the cost of solar panels for the whole country maybe too much for our government to handle hence we are behind in the amount of solar panels in our country.

From your article, I am not convinced that the U.S. is ready for solar panels in terms of cost especially during this economic recession.

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