Friday, May 14, 2010

Classmate comment #2

This person’s blog regarding Arizona’s new immigration law has a compelling argument for and against the issue.

The new Arizona immigration law allows local police officers to arrest anybody that is suspected to be an illegal immigrant and check their legal statuses. “The main aim of the bill is to identify, prosecute and deport the illegal immigrants.”

The author seems to be against the new but has also included reasons why Arizona should go on with the law. The author included poll results which said that 75% of Americans believed that illegal immigrants has been occupying many American jobs while not paying any taxes, and she later said how illegal immigrants are hurting the American economy.

Although these reasons are supporting Arizona’s new law, the author has provided much more reasons against the law which makes me believe that she is against it. The law has brought up suspicions of it being an act of racism because it is promoting segregation and racial profiling. The author has also brought up moral issues regarding those who were born in the U.S. from parents who are illegal immigrants and that it is not “fair” to them that they are sent to their country when they have never lived anywhere outside the United States. This law would increase crime rate because illegal immigrants would not report crimes to the police because they are afraid of being deported. The argument against the law that the author provided are purely ethical reasons which makes it less convincing to those who would prefer more legal reasons. The reasons that support the law are more convincing to me personally because illegal immigrants are occupying American jobs and thus hurting the American economy. The reasons against the law are not violating any legal issue and would not be entirely convince me to go against the law.

From an ethical standpoint, the author’s argument would be convincing to any “average” person but not to someone who would prefer legal reasons.

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